10 Heart Cornrow Hairstyles That Will Steal Your Heart [Plus Tips and Tricks for Perfecting the Look]

Short answer: Heart cornrow hairstyles are braided styles where the cornrows are arranged in a heart shape on the scalp. They come in various designs, including single or multiple hearts, and can be adorned with beads, gold cuffs, and other hair jewelry.

How to achieve a perfect Heart Cornrow Hairstyle?

Are you tired of the same old cornrow hairstyle? Why not try something new and unique with a heart-shaped pattern? It might seem complicated at first, but with some practice and patience, you can achieve a perfect Heart Cornrow Hairstyle.

Before we get into the step-by-step process, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty and symbolism behind this hairstyle. The heart shape represents love and passion, making it a perfect hairstyle for special occasions like Valentine’s Day or weddings. Plus, it’s perfect for those who want to showcase their creativity through their hair.

Now, let’s move on to the steps required for achieving this intricate style:

Step 1: Wash your hair properly. Ensuring that your hair is clean will help make the styling process simple and straightforward.

Step 2: Part your hair into sections from forehead to nape of your neck in two equal parts.

Step 3: Next, using rat-tail comb divide each section under the side down towards ears as curved lines; this will create half-heart shapes covering up until mid ear level. Make sure they are evenly spaced apart.

Step 4: Neatly braid each half-heart-shaped section inwards towards nape onto itself while leaving out a small section at the bottom part left untouched which later on would be joined together creating full heart shape.

Step 5: Once all braids have been done gather ends of all loose strands onto one side taking extra caution on where they converge by snatching small sections close together about an inch back from last row braiding down till union point reaching top right corner of Braid then begin combing gently over end which smooths out any possible bulged points. Finally do crisscrossed cornrows on top while leaving junction ridge between two undone bottom braid meeting tips so that finishing touches connects each end create heart shape.

With these easy steps, you can achieve a perfect Heart Cornrow hairstyle that is sure to impress. It may take some practice, but once you master the technique, you’ll be able to create this unique style effortlessly. So go ahead and show off your creativity with this stunning hairstyle!

Heart Cornrow Hairstyles Step by Step Guide.

Heart cornrow hairstyles have become quite popular in recent times. You may have seen them on social media or on celebrities such as Beyoncé, Cardi B, and Nicki Minaj. The style features a braided heart shape that is intricately woven into your hair. It’s cute, unique and can be styled in many different ways.

In this step by step guide, we’ll show you how to achieve this adorable hairstyle.

Step 1: Start by washing your hair
Before beginning any braiding process, ensure that your hair is clean and free of dirt and tangles. Wash and condition your hair thoroughly so that it is easy to manage for the cornrow styling process.

Step 2: Part your hair in two sections
Divide your hair into two parts with a straight middle part. You will braid one side at a time before joining the parts together in the center to form a complete heart shape.

Step 3: Begin Braiding
Starting from one side of your head, take about an inch-long section of hair from the front of your head at the beginning of the half-section of parted space.

Divide the sectioned part into three equal pieces then cross both extreme right part over each other once while holding tight across each other.

Take some additional strands by adding little portions on either side before crossing each over once more; continue doing it all along towards the centers then secure with small rubber bands or tie off with string/twine/ extensions generally used when braiding (Kanekalon). Repeat these steps for another part too.

Step 4: Repeat braiding pattern
Once you are done with first heart-shaped braid placement on one side; take some portion from beside new-heart-braid placed earlier just for continuation purpose

And repeat same movements- three-stranded French braid pattern until you meet up somewhere above nape region midsection

Also being careful not to braid too small or too tight, keep the sections neat as you proceed

Step 5: Join the two halves together
Starting from the bottom of both braids ends where there are rubber bands securing it, join and bring it to center by tying- will form a V-shaped depression joining both edges forming a heart-shaped opening on either side.

Trim any stray hairs sticking out with scissors then secure it in place once more using string/twine/ extensions generally used when braiding (Kanekalon) before finishing this style.

Step 6: Style your Hair
Finally, using your preferred styling products such as hair gel and spray helps to slick away loose baby hairs while giving sheen is recommendable.

Now go forth and slay with your new heart cornrow hairstyle! It may take some time until you get used to doing it all by yourself but continue practicing until perfection because practice makes perfect.

Frequently asked questions about Heart Cornrow Hairstyles.

Heart cornrow hairstyles have taken the world by storm in recent years, with everyone from celebrities to everyday people flaunting this look. However, with its growing popularity, it’s natural that people may have questions about how to style it or maintain it. Here are some frequently asked questions about heart cornrow hairstyles:

1. What exactly is a heart cornrow hairstyle?
Heart cornrows are braids that form a specific pattern resembling a heart shape right at the center of the hairline. They can be done in various styles and patterns, including zigzag designs or braids going straight back.

2. Can anyone get a heart cornrow hairstyle?
Yes! Heart cornrows can suit any face shape or hair texture, but the length of your hair might affect how intricate your stylist will be able to make them.

3. Can I style my heart cornrows like regular braids?
Absolutely – you can wear them up in different styles depending on the occasion or even create mix and match looks with different types of extensions such as feathers for a more unique take on traditional hairdos.

4. How often should I get my Heart Cornrows redone?
Most hairstylists recommend getting your heart cornrows redone every four-to-six weeks since they loosen over time easily and shouldn’t last too long before requiring additional maintenance.

5. Can I wash my Heart Cornrow Hairstyle without messing them up?
Yes! After getting your heart cornrows styled, wait for 48 hours until washing to ensure proper setting and avoid damage resulting from loose braid work strands during shampooing.

6.What products can help me maintain my Heart Cornrows?
A moisturizing scalp treatment like shea butter or essential oils will lock in moisture while avoid excessively flaky areas around newly applied follicular activity and static electricity from unmanageable tresses after shifts in humidity level throughout varying seasons..

7.Can I do certain activities like sports with Heart Cornrows?
Yes! Heart cornrow hairstyles are not only stylish but also practical for a number of different activities. From yoga to boxing, your braids will stay in place no matter what you’re doing.

In summary, heart cornrow hairstyles are versatile and can be styled with ease while the braid does all the work. Knowing how to take care of them and what products to use can help maintain their longevity while giving your look an added layer of sophistication.

The history and cultural significance of Heart Cornrow Hairstyles.

Heart Cornrow Hairstyles have a rich history that stretches back for centuries, and they remain culturally significant today. These intricate braids are created by weaving hair into small, tight rows that resemble the shape of a heart. While the style is popular all over the world, it has its roots in African culture.

Cornrows have been found in ancient archaeological sites throughout Africa, indicating that they have existed for at least 5000 years. It’s believed that African women used to braid their hair as a way of expressing themselves and communicating their status within society. Braided hairstyles were an important part of tribal culture and often represented age, marital status, and rank.

Over time, cornrows evolved from simple designs to more elaborate styles such as the Heart Cornrow Hairstyle. These intricate patterns were often worn by women during special occasions such as weddings or festivals, allowing them to show off their creativity and beauty.

In recent years, Heart Cornrow Hairstyles have become increasingly popular around the globe. Celebrities such as Alicia Keys have helped bring this style into the mainstream spotlight, with many young girls and women emulating these stunning looks.

For those who wear Heart Cornrow Hairstyles today, they continue to serve a cultural significance beyond just aesthetics. For instance, it’s a way of honoring their African heritage while celebrating diversity; embracing natural hair; promoting self-confidence; highlighting individualism; displaying creative expression; appreciating traditional art form pillars like integrity and strength-of-spirit.

As we look towards the future of these hairstyles it’s important to remember their rich history and cultural significance – something which continues to inspire people all around the world. So next time you see someone sporting a beautiful Heart Cornrow hairstyle? Take note- there is so much more behind it than meets your eye!

Top 5 trending heart cornrow hairstyles for


As 2021 approaches its halfway point, heart cornrow hairstyles have become increasingly popular among celebrities and beauty enthusiasts. Not only are they stylish and unique, but they also showcase the intricate art of cornrowing. Here are the top five trending heart cornrow hairstyles for 2021:

1. Small Heart Cornrows: This style features small, intricate hearts created by tiny cornrows that weave together to form a larger heart shape. The design is perfect for those who desire a subtle yet eye-catching look.

2. Large Heart Cornrows: For those who want to make a bold statement, large heart cornrows are a go-to option. The bigger design calls for bigger braids with more intricate patterns and details.

3. Heart Shaped Braids: Another stunning variation of the heart cornrow hairstyle is the heart-shaped braids which take on a loose and wavy appearance, making it perfect for an everyday casual look or even an evening party.

4. Twisted Hearts: This exciting twist on the traditional style incorporates twisted hair into each section of the braid to create an edgy effect that is both modern and chic.

5. Zigzag Design: A popular variant of this latest trend is zigzag designed cornrows that leave much space between rows and create large numerical shapes in different directions.

Overall, these heart-shaped designs offer a standout way to wear your hair in 2021 with an impressive dose of originality not seen in any other styles before them! Whether you choose small or large hearts, subtle or daring variations; these five dreamy options will give anyone’s look some serious flair!

Tips and tricks for maintaining your heart cornrow hairstyle

If you’re someone who loves rocking the heart cornrow hairstyle, you know that maintaining it can be a bit challenging at times. This popular and eye-catching hairstyle is perfect for any occasion, but with its intricate design and unique shape, it can be quite time-consuming and even frustrating to keep intact.

Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that will make this task much easier. In today’s blog post, we’ll go over some of these strategies that will help you maintain your heart cornrow hairstyle effortlessly.

1. Moisturize Your Scalp

It’s essential to keep your scalp moisturized at all times when wearing the heart cornrow hairstyle – especially if you have dry or sensitive skin. Use a lightweight hair oil or leave-in conditioner to hydrate your scalp every few days. This helps prevent breakage and keeps your hair healthy.

2. Protect from Friction

Friction with fabrics such as pillowcases and headrests can lead to hair damage which resultantly affects the health of the hair edges too. Hence it’s necessary when going to bed at night or on long journeys, moreso while driving , covering your head with a satin bonnet under the seat headrest could be very helpful in ensuring adequate protection against friction.

3. Keep Away Moisture

The process of cleaning or washing your hair can ruin your tightly braided cornrows by unraveling them causing them to loosen up considerably . Give moderate distance between moisture-prone activities like running in the rain , swimming etcetera and also limit exposure of this popular complicated style usually worn outdoors underneath hot weather conditions as humidity causes frizziness on natural kinky textured hair.

4. Regular Maintenance

This goes without saying – if you want to maintain a heart cornrow style in top condition then taking care of it regularly is crucial.Regular maintenance may include fixing areas that have become loose or correcting any misshapen spaces in good time.Some styles might need remaking completely after about two weeks for optimum result.

5. Use Quality Products

Lastly, it is important to use high-quality products that are specifically designed for your hair type. Many hair stylists recommend using natural hair products as they tend to be gentler and have fewer chemicals that can damage the scalp or the hair itself.

Wrapping Up

At its core, the heart cornrow hairstyle is a fabulous and bold look, that demands cautious preservation in order to keep it long lasting and also prevent causing any harm to your natural texture. From moisturizing your scalp to regular maintenance, these tips will help you keep your heart Cornrows looking impeccable no matter what occasion you waltz into.For more info on maintaining healthy hair make sure you visit their social media pages and reputed blogs from experts in this industry.

Table with useful data:

Style NameDescriptionDifficulty Level
Heart-Shaped CornrowsCornrow braids shaped like a heart using a technique where the braids are pulled to form a heart shapeDifficult
Heart-Shaped Bun with CornrowsCornrow braids leading up to a heart-shaped bun at the back of the headIntermediate
Heart-Shaped Side Part CornrowsCornrow braids with a heart shape part on one side of the headEasy
Half Up Half Down Heart-Shaped CornrowsCornrow braids forming a heart shape on the half-up half-down hairstyleIntermediate
Heart-Shaped Zigzag CornrowsCornrow braids forming a zigzag pattern leading up to a heart shapeDifficult

Information from an expert:

As an expert in hairstyling, I can confidently say that heart cornrow hairstyles are a beautiful and unique way to showcase your personality. This trendy style involves intricate braiding techniques that create a heart shape at the crown of your head, with rows of cornrows cascading down towards the nape of your neck. It’s perfect for those who want a statement hairstyle that’s both elegant and bold. However, it’s essential to choose a skilled stylist who can execute this style correctly to avoid any damage to your hair or scalp. With proper care and maintenance, heart cornrow hairstyles can last for weeks while keeping you looking stylish!

Historical fact:

Heart cornrow hairstyles were popularized in the 1990s by African American and Afro-Caribbean communities as a way to express cultural pride and creativity through hair styling. The distinctive heart shape, created by braiding hair into symmetrical curves, became a staple of black beauty salons and fashion magazines during this era. Today, heart cornrows continue to be a beloved style among those who celebrate African Diasporic culture and its enduring influence on global aesthetics.

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